Posts Tagged ‘treatment’


Acne Prevention:

June 7, 2008

Unfortunately, acne is not entirely preventable.However, by washing the face gently twice a day with a mild cleanser and refraining from picking any lesions, one can reduce the chance for acne outbreaks and permanent scarring. An acne outbreak can be a catastrophic event for an individual, but fortunately it is rarely a lifelong problem.Working with your doctor to find the right treatment should improve acne in a matter of months


How Is Acne Treated?

June 3, 2008

Treatment is aimed at keeping oil and dirt out of the pores and reducing inflammation.It must be borne in mind that by popping and squeezing pimples yourself, you run the risk of lifelong scarring.Treatment of acne involves a step-by-step approach, beginning with milder medications and continuing through a spectrum of stronger medications until the patient finds one that works.In mild and moderate cases, your doctor will begin with topical gels, creams, or lotions, progressing to internal medications.Some of these medications can produce side-effects, so it is important to put questions to your doctor and read the medication labels carefully.In general, your doctor will try to use the simplest effective regimen.Medicines with greater risks can be used, but only if needed.Certain acne medications make the patient photosensitive(sensitive to sunlight)so the patient and doctor both need to consider the patient’s outdoor activities.Hormone therapy can also work for a lot of women.Hormone-based treatments may help to clear up acne by inhibiting sebaceous gland function.It may take upto 6-8 weeks to see the results of any given treatment, and it is not uncommon for acne to worsen before it gets better.Redness, swelling in the skin, and changes in skin pigment, especially the darkening of skin in darker skinned individuals, may take many months to resolve, persisting long after pimples go away.It is important to stick with the treatment regimen between appointments so your doctor can figure out what works or doesn’t work for you.The regimen for curing acne is generally well established, if not entirely predictable.By taking consistent action and visiting your physician, you can quickly get on the road to healthier skin.