Posts Tagged ‘feet’


How to Treat Your Skin with Steam, Baby Oil and Moisturizer

July 15, 2008

Is your skin filled with zits, blackheads, and all over acne? You could possibly have better skin in less than 10 minutes of work! All you need is supplies, time, and patience and you will have better skin! Many people have done it and it has worked! Just try it one time and your skin will be beautiful! Have fun…

  1. Put water in a pan and bring to a rapid boil. The more water the longer it will last at a boil, so, put enough in for 8 minutes. Usually, about 3 inches of water from bottom of pan. While water is coming to a boil, wash your hands, use clean tissues to wrap your fingers, and pop all your zits. Yes, pop them. For further understanding for this madness, read in the ‘tips’.
  2. When water is at a rapid boil place a clean towel on your head and bend over the steam. DO NOT BURN YOURSELF. Starts about three feet away and slowly get closer. Remember to take deep breaths while you do so because the steam can hurt the back of your throat. Once you get in a comfortable distance, stand bent over the water for 8 mins. By the time you are down to the last 1 1/2 min. there should be drops of water falling from your face. On average, 5-7 drops total.
  3. Go to a mirror and look at your face. Your problem areas will be showing extremely well. Take your clean towel and pat your face dry. The key is to pat! Rubbing irritates the skin.
  4. Apply a small amount of Baby Oil by a cotton ball. The amount being poured on the cotton ball should equal a dime-quarter. Dab the cotton ball on problem areas (as not to over use the product in one area) then use the cotton ball to spread over entire face. No matter the skin type. Keep watching your skin. The Baby Oil will make your problem areas stand out even more. Not just acne, but also dry skin.
  5. Wash hands. To make sure most germs and oil are either killed or gone sing your ABC’s. It should take about 20 sec. which is the amount of time it takes for germs to die. A quick rinse, even with soap, does nothing!
  6. Take a moisturizer, stay away from oil-free as they are not good for skin (Yes, I am calling the bluff), and squeeze a dime-size amount on hand. Now, take a finger from the other hand and place in your new dime-size amount of moisturizer. Take the finger and dab the moisturizer on problem areas only. You should end up with, around, 15-30 dots of moisturizer on your face. Smooth out the moisturizer over entire face. This keeps more moisturizer on the problem areas and less on your real skin, making your skin more even in the long run. Don’t get a moisturizer with sunblock in it. What a stupid idea. Sunblock is a acne causing substance. Just try it, buy sunblock and apply it to your face as an overnight mask. You will awake to nasty looking skin. Over the next couple days more acne will appear! So no oil-free, SPF 15 moisturizers.
  7. Repeat once a day until you skin is clear. Then you can determine for yourself how often you choose to do it. Clear skin is easy to maintain and if you over clean clear skin then you lead to damages in it.
  8. Congrats! You are done. Please read the ‘tips’ and ‘warnings’ sections for safety reasons!

Hand And Feet Care

June 21, 2008

Taking care of your hands is important as well as easy.Even those who think that they have no time for such treatments, can manage to take out about 5 minutes from their busy schedule, and pay some attention to those poor, neglected hands.

To make your hands look pretty as well as well-kept, start with manicure.It takes about 15 minutes, and once a week is quite enough.Once your hands are manicured, all you need is a little natural oil to keep it moisturised.

A Simple To Do-Home Manicure:
Things You Require:
For your manicure, take a small bowl of warm, soapy water.A small hand towel, a nail file, cotton wool, coconut oil for moisturising, nail polish remover, and polish.It is much nicer to prefer pink and pearlised shades, for the daytime.Nail polish is best applied before you go to bed so that you do not have to worry about badly kept nails in the morning.Purple, violet and other dark shades, are a bit too extreme for formal dressing, but if you find that they suit your personality, as a lady with a mind of her own, please go ahead! After all, individual tastes, differ.
Manicure Steps:
A.First, remove your older nail polish and then file your nails.Long nails are best suited to people with long slim fingers, and if you have short, sturdy singers, please make sure that your nails are shaped to an oval, and not more than 1/16 th of an inch past the fingertip.
B.Next, soak your hands in the soapy water, for 2 minutes.Press back the cuticles, very gently with your towel.They are very delicate, and need moisturising.To remove any soap deposit, wipe your nails again with nail polish remover.
C.Apply a base coat, beginning with the thumb.Base coats are normally transparent nail polishes, which are either strengtheners, or just present to stop the chemical products of the nail polish, to yellow your nails.
D.After it has dried, apply nail polish.Use only 2 light coats, allowing the first to dry completely before applying the second.
E.Finally, when the polish is completely dry, massage the coconut oil/ Almond oil/ olive oil into your hands up to the wrist.
A manicure once a week keeps your hands feeling good.As it is always preferable to use natural products, rather than expensive creams and moisturisers, go back to nature and every night, use a bit of milk cream, or milk as a natural moisturiser.A little bit of salt added to it will bleach your hands beautifully.

If you have to use your hands for washing up, gardening, or any work which needs hand care, it is always best to use hand gloves.And if you think that it is too tiresome, what is to stop you from oiling your hands too well, with coconut oil, or milk, and then washing up? For gardening, always make sure that little soap pieces are placed under your nails, so that dirt does not get caught between fingertips and nails.

Remember that very hot and very cold water is disastrous for hands.Make sure, the water is at room temperature.In the winters, it is always preferable to wash your face and hands in cold water, to keep the naturally moisturising oil in, but make sure, you apply some oil after a wash.

Exercise For The Fingers And The Wrist:Fingers are best kept supple by exercising upon an imaginary keyboard.Put your hands out, and flap them like wings of an ostrich, then rotate your wrists, clockwise and anticlockwise.If you happen to be doing a lot of writing work, exercise your fingers by clenching your fists, and then opening out your fingers, fast.This close-open, close-open exercise can not only relieve finger fatigue, but it’s also useful in keeping your fingers from gaining deposits at the joints.